Kashmiris reject India’s Republic Day: Rehmani

Staff ReportĀ 

ISLAMABAD: The Convener of APHC-AJK chapter, Muhammad Farooq
Rehmani, has said that India’s marginalised communities – Muslims, Dalits,
Sikhs, Christians and the tribal nations and civilizations genuinely feel
and believe that there is no question of rejoicing on India’s Republic Day
because India has ceased to be a secular democracy and its Constitution is
only in name.

Muhammad Farooq Rehmani in a statement issued in Islamabad said, a complete
farce is played with the minorities of India in the name of constitution. He
said, Indian Muslims who are over 25 crore citizens of India are treated as
sub humans; in practice they have been stripped of their religious, social,
economic and political rights and there are no civil liberties for non Hindu
communities of the country.

“The Muslims are subjected to all types of deprivations and lynching on
streets has become a usual practice against them under the present Hindutva
Modi regime. Thus India as a secular democracy has ceased to exist and has
no future as a country and an uncivilized and brutal culture of dark ages is
being promoted across this multi-ethnic state through unconstitutional and
coercive methods,” he said.

The APHC-AJK Convener said, the people of Kashmir have totally rejected the
Indian Republic Day and have declared 26th January as a Black Day all across
Jammu and Kashmir to demand the right to self-determination and freedom. He
said Kashmir was never a part of India but it had always its separate
history, geography and culture. He asked New Delhi to testify its claim of
Kashmir by holding a free, fair and impartial plebiscite under the UN
auspices in Jammu and Kashmir.

Farooq Rehmani said that the Indian Republic Day was meaningless and
baseless in Kashmir and nobody treated India like a lawful regime,
respectable state or a secular democracy in Jammu and Kashmir. Therefore,
the people of Kashmir would continue to fight for freedom and urge the UN to
arrange withdrawal of Indian troops to hold plebiscite in Jammu and Kashmir,
he added.