Kazakh varsity named best for Islamic finance education

DM Monitoring

NUR-SULTAN: The Islamic Finance Centre at Al Farabi Kazakh National University won the title of Best Emerging Islamic Finance Education Provider at the Global Islamic Finance Awards 2020 held online Sept. 14.
The center, deemed the first Islamic education provider in the country and in Central Asia, was established in 2019 in cooperation with such universities as Qatar’s Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Indonesia’s University of Darussalam (UNIDA) Gontor, Amity University in India, and the Astana International Financial Centre.
It is designed to “train specialists of the highest qualification, further integrate into the global educational system, develop fundamental and applied research, and implement policies in the financial sector.”
“We are very grateful for the high praise of our activities. It is an honor and responsibility for us as we strive to promote the highest values of Islamic finance,” said university rector Galymkair Mutanov.
The GIFA is a prestigious award honoring individuals and institutions that have contributed to the promotion of Islamic banking and finance. Established in 2011 by the Edbiz Corporation, an international Shariah advisory firm, the award seeks to promote Islamic banking and finance forward worldwide. The inaugural GIFA ceremony took place Dec. 7, 2011, as part of the Oman Islamic Economic Forum (OIEF) and the Kazakh capital hosted the award ceremony in September of 2017.
Kazakhstan’s First President Nursultan Nazarbayev also received the GIFA’s most prestigious honor, Global Leader in Islamic Finance, in 2014 at the 10th World Islamic Economic Forum in Dubai.