‘KCR to be operational in six months’

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Railways Sheikh Rasheed on Wednesday expressed the confidence that Karachi Circular Railway (KCR) will be operationalized in six months in collaboration with the Sindh government. He was responding to a question during question hour in the National Assembly.
Sheikh Rasheed said that the Supreme Court has directed to complete the project within six months, adding that the federal and the Sindh governments are on the same page in context. He said housing colonies illegally constructed on railways land and financial crunch are the biggest hurdles in this regard.
Responding to another question, Parliamentary Secretary for Railways Farrukh Habib informed that House that 550 vulnerable unmanned level crossings throughout Pakistan Railways network have been upgraded in collaboration with respective provincial governments to prevent accidents in future.
He said old age kerosene oil based signals have been converted to LED lights on mainline, which have better visibility.