KE consumers likely to get big relief

KARACHI: K-Electric consumers likely to get a big relief in their electricity bills as the city’s power utility has proposed a reduction of Rs4.84 per unit in rates under its monthly fuel adjustment for January.
As per details, the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (NEPRA) will conduct a hearing on the K-Electric’s request tomorrow.
If approved as requested, K-Electric consumers could benefit from a collective relief of Rs 4.695 billion.
In February, Prime Minister (PM) Shehbaz Sharif said that electricity tariffs would further be reduced for domestic consumers and industries through reforms in the electricity sector.
He expressed satisfaction with the current changes in the electricity sector, stating that they are producing great results, while chairing a review meeting of the sector in Islamabad on Friday.
PM Shehbaz said that he has pledged to guarantee the supply of affordable and sustainable power.
He said revising agreements with IPPs is saving the national treasury and reducing electricity prices for consumers. –Agencies