KEA Calls Indo-Pak stand off A Reckless Charter

Sardar Pervez Mehmood
Pesident, Kashmir European Alliance

OSLO (KEA): President of Kashmir European Alliance Sardar Pervez Mehmood has called Indo-Pak stand off a reckless charter. Pakistan has accused India of Unprovoked shelling and false claims of cross border raids to curb terrorism and said many times that any Indian aggression, strategic miscalculation or misadventure, regardless of its scale, mode or location, will not go unpunished and shall be met with an equal and proportionate response.

India on the other hand vows to be a strong nation and has been giving a strong message to the world that they can attack their enemies not only on their soil, but also in their territory. India reteraited many times that if they will have to really confront the Pakistanis, and a task is given to them, they are not going to say they cannot cross the border because they have nuclear weapons.

This is a reckless charter. Neither the United States nor the European Union is as involved in South Asia as it was 15 years ago, when they issued a joint statement in March 2003 laying down a programme for a ceasefire followed by a summit. It is easy to begin an armed conflict of whatever dimension. It is difficult to predict, however, how it will end. India must know that if she sought for a clear ascendancy over its neighbours and aspired for it a role in world affairs — eventually the status of a great power.To this day, India has not realized that this aspiration itself required stable, friendly relationships with its neighbours.

Threats, coercion and force are India’s preferred modus operandi to achieve these ambitious goals. Such behaviour is a throwback to an earlier era before international law. Reflected in the UN Charter, prohibited the use or threat of force in interstate relations except in self-defence or when authorised by the UN Security Council.

As far as human rights violations committed by India in Kashmir are concerned, India has left no stone unturned to crush he civil disobedience in Indian state of Jammu & Kashmir. One of the worst incidents of Indian arrogance and disdain for the locals took place last year during a by-election, when troops tied a Kashmiri man to a jeep as a human shield.The Indian military went on to reward the officer who was chiefly responsible for this reprehensible act, while the example of a BJP leader selling T-shirts depicting the incident and glorifying the Indian army, exposes the democratic posture India claims they are.

The body of a Kashmir youth tied to a military jeep was dragged in the streets in Indian occupied Kashmir. It was a blatant violation of human rights and humiliation of a dead body with no parallel around the world. Indian soldiers dragged the bloodied, half-naked body” of a Kashmiri youth, killed by them in a fake encounter, just because he raised slogan against the Indian occupation of Jammu and Kashmir.

Such acts on part of the Indian establishment reflect a desire to dehumanise Kashmiris and belittle their indigenous struggle.

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