Khetran sent on 10-day remand in Police Custody

QUETTA: A district and sessions court in Quetta on Thursday granted police’s crime branch a 10-day physical remand of Balochistan Minister for Construction and Communications Sardar Abdul Rehman Khetran for his alleged connection with the gruesome murder of three people whose bullet-riddled bodies were found in a well in the Barkhan district on Monday night.
Khetran was brought to the court amid tight security. He made a victory sign before being produced before the court. The suspect was produced before the court of Judicial Magistrate Sameena Nasreen.
The gruesome incident took place days after a video of a woman with the Holy Quran in her hands was released on social media. In the video, the woman claimed that she and her children were detained by Khetran. She pleaded with the people to get her and her children freed. Initially, Khan Muhammad Marri, a resident of Kohlu, claimed that the

deceased are his wife and two sons. He then went on the allege: “Five slaves are still in the possession of Sardar Abdul Rehman.”
The triple murder saga took a dramatic twist, when a police surgeon, after the post-mortem examination of the bod-ies, revealed that one of the deceased was a 17 to 18-year-old female.
She said that the deceased was raped and tor-tured before being shot dead.

The medico-legal officer said that the autopsy finds that the girl was shot thrice in the head and her face and neck were mutilated with acid to hide her identity. She said that the girl may not be Giran Naz but her daughter.

Moreover, the other two were also tortured before being killed, she added.

Meanwhile, the suspect denied allegations of involvement in the gruesome murder of three people. Talking to media, he claimed that he is a “peaceful and law-abiding person”.

“Accusations of owning a private prison and the murder of three people is a conspiracy to damage my political reputa-tion,” he added. The minister accused his own son was behind the conspiracy. –Agencies