Khunjrab Reopening – Advisor to PM joys with fruit & vegetable export opportunities

ISLAMABAD: On April 1st, China is going to reopen the Khunjrab pass border with Pakistan. Abdul Razak Dawood, advisor to Prime Minister of Pakistan on commerce and investment, joys while tweeting about the opening of the border.

“We are pleased to share that China is opening the Khunjrab Border on 1 April 2022. It will not only help in utilization of the second phase of Pakistan-China FTA but it will also support the local commerce on both sides of the border”. Abdul Razak Dawood tweeted.

The advisor to PM shared his thoughts on fruit and vegetable exports from the northern part of Pakistan. He urged exporters to take full advantage of this opportunity, so they can increase their exports to China.

The Khunjrab pass is a core connecting trade way between both countries and in normal times, it usually stays open from May to November to trade and traveling. Its reopening for commercial purposes will bring new life to the business community in Pakistan. Exporters and importers in Pakistan have warmly welcomed this positive step. -Agencies