Kim-gifted Dogs to South end up after care costs row


PYONGYANG: A pair of dogs gifted four years ago by the North Korean leader, Kim Jong-un, have ended up at a zoo in South Korea after a dispute over who should pay for the animals’ care.

Kim had given the two white Pungsan hunting dogs – a breed indigenous to North Korea – to the then South Korean president, Moon Jae-in, as a gift after their summit talks in Pyongyang in 2018.

But Moon gave up the dogs last month, citing a lack of financial support for the canines from the conservative government led by Yoon Suk Yeol.

The dogs, named Gomi and Songgang, were moved to a zoo run by local officials in the southern city of Gwangju after a temporary stay at a veterinary hospital in the south-eastern city of Daeju, zoo officials said.

With the mayor of Gwangju, Kang Gijung, in attendance, the dogs were shown off on Monday with their nametags around their necks as journalists and other visitors took photos.

“Gomi and Songgang are a symbol of peace and South-North Korean reconciliation and cooperation. We will raise them well like we cultivate a seed for peace,” Kang said, according to his office.

The dogs have six offspring between them, all born after they came to South Korea. One of them, named Byeol, has been raised in the Gwangju zoo since 2019. The remaining five are in other zoos and a public facility in South Korea.

Gwangju zoo officials said they would try to raise Byeol and her parent dogs together, though they are being kept separately as they do not recognise each other.

Gomi and Songgang are officially state property and while in office Moon raised them at the presidential residence. After leaving office in May, Moon was able to take them to his private home because of a change of law that allowed presidential gifts to be managed outside the presidential archives if they were animals or plants.

But in early November, Moon’s office accused the Yoon government of refusing to cover the cost for the dogs’ food and veterinary care. Yoon’s office denied the accusation, saying it never prevented Moon from keeping the animals and that the discussions about providing financial support were continuing.

Moon, a champion of rapprochement with North Korea, was credited with arranging now-dormant diplomacy on North Korea’s nuclear programme, but also faced criticism that his engagement policy allowed Kim to buy time and boost his country’s nuclear capability in the face of international sanctions. Yoon has accused Moon’s engagement policy of “being submissive” to North Korea.

In 2000, Kim’s late father, Kim Jong-il, gifted another pair of Pungsan dogs to then-South Korean president, Kim Dae-jung, after a meeting in Pyongyang, the first inter-Korean summit since their division in 1948. Kim Dae-jung, a liberal, gave two Jindo dogs – a breed native to a South Korean island – to Kim Jong-il. The North Korean dogs lived at a public zoo near Seoul before they died in 2013.