KP CM stresses on timely completion of projects

PESHAWAR: Chief MinisterKhyber Pakhtunkhwa Mahmood Khan Friday directed the quarters concerned to strictly follow time line set for completion of developmental projects in KP district of South Waziristan.

He made it clear that whole development process including identification of schemes, designing & planning, implementation and supervision of developmental schemes should be ensured in transparent and effective manners.

“Tribal people should get the benefits of merger,” he said.

The chief minister particularly directed to devise a detailed plan for education, health and public health engineering sectors of South Waziristan.

He was presiding over a meeting of Task Force regarding Appraisal of Governance, Development & Security in South Wazirstan.

Provincial ministers Taimur Saleem Jhagra, Shaharam Tarakai, Shaukat Yousafzai, Special assistant to CM Kamran Bangash, chief secretary Dr. Kazim Niaz, additional chief secretary Shakeel Qadir, Principal Secretary to CM Shahab Ali Shah, commander headquarter 11 Corps, inspector general police, IG FC and other military and civil high ups attended the meeting.

Furthermore, he directed that disbursement of compensations under Citizens Losses Compensation Program be completed on fasttrack basis.

He also directed the authorities concerned to ensure setup for newly established Tehsils of South Waziristan as interim solution of administrative issues.

However, he underlined the need to resolve issue of district headquarter as long term solution and constituted a committee comprising Commissioner and other relevant authorities which would present final recommendation to this effect in consultation with the local tribes.

The meeting was told that fencing of 739.6-Kilomter long area of border out of 836.1 Km had been completed whereas fencing of remaining border yet to be done.

The chief minister asked the authorities concerned for practicable proposal for the purpose.

The meeting was also told that an umbrella scheme had been approved by PDWP for buildings of police stations, police check posts, special branch and CTD in South Waziristan.

The estimated cost of the project was Rs. 1.01 billion. Similarly, a plan had been chalked out for training of 4000 police personnel while training of 900 levies and Khasadars was in process.

About the tourism & economic potential of South Waziristan, the meeting was informed that the district has sufficient potential of tourism, mines & minerals, progressive farming, water resources, livestock and trade with Afghanistan.

The meeting was further told that under Citizens Losses Compensation Program more than 40,000 cheques had been disbursed whereas around 36,000 cheques would be distributed.

The chief minister directed to complete disbursement of compensation cheques directing the quarter concerned to provide dedicated staff for the purpose.

In order to provide livelihood opportunities to people of South Waziristan, the chief ministerurged the need to have special focus on the development of tourism and mines & minerals.

He directed the Secretary Tourism and other relevant officials to visit the tourists’ sites of South Waziristan and present proposal to promote domestic tourism as early as possible.

He also directed that construction of access roads to tourists’ sites of South Waziristan be included in the overall plan regarding promotion of tourism. Mahmood Khan also asked for feasible model for the development of Agriculture Park in Wana.

Under the 45 engineering division, 33 projects in the sectors of education, health, watersupply and roads have been completed whereas work on five new projects in road and health sectors was in progress.

Additional chief secretary informed the meeting that Rs. 49.2 billion was allocated for South Waziristan under the developmental strategy of newly merged areas. Major portion of these funds had already been spent.

He informed that 121 schemes in different sectors have been allocated for South Wazirstan under the current Annual Development Program (ADP).

Numerous projects with the total cost of Rs. 2619 million have been included in ADP for the establishment, up-gradation and reconstruction of government schools in South Waziristan.

CM directed education department to devise detail plan for education sector in South Waziristan making it clear that priorities should be fixed for the purpose.

In the first phase missing facilities be provided in the schools of South Waziristan and non-functional schools should be made functional in the second phase.

The meeting was told that local governmentstructure in South Waziristan had been established. Office of assistant director local government was functional whereas operationalization of TMAs was in process.

Similarly, recruitment process against vacant posts of village and neighborhood councils was initiated. It was further informed that work on 35 developmental schemes in roads sectors out of total 45 schemes had been started and eight schemes were due for completion.