KP women go famous across globe for handicrafts

Bureau Report

PESHAWAR: Taslim Bibi, a senior citizen of 65 years age, decided to open a handicraft skills center at her home with hope of financial support and also to impart skill to others, but due to financial constraints she could not continue her plan. Sitting on the wood wreckage on the main road in front of Sunday Bazar in Hayatabad Township of Peshawar, Taslim Bibi informed reporters that she was resident of Zargarabad Wazir Bagh Peshawar and making handicrafts for the last 40 years. She said that her husband died six years ago adding she had two sons and two daughters of which one daughter was married. She said that a government sponsored skill development initiative focusing on empowering people through active participation in art and cultural activities and enhancing economic growth through creative industries helped her gain successful skill development and capacity building.
Taslim Bibi claimed that she made different things with dissimilar designs like handkerchiefs, blankets, bed sheets, caps, sweaters, socks and other items and sold those there . “I have the ability to make two caps a day and sell each for rupees 100 to 150 ,” she remarked. “I use two needles of Kureshi in my work”, she added while sharing her way of preparation of handicrafts,she said. “I earn 500 rupees to 1000 per day which is maximum income for my family , ” she expressed the pleasure.
Taslim Bibi said that it has especially helped females in becoming empowered and earn the respect of their families as they were now making financial contributions towards family expenses along with male household members. “Learning any skill is the best way to help support a family by earning livelihood,” said Taslim Bibi.
She said that she took keen interest in the work and was able to timely carry out any order placed; Moreover she said that she loved it that she could conveniently sit and work at her home also.
It was her first priority to extend the skill to others she said adding, it was much better than washing dishes in others’ houses and begging, she said.