KP’s Merged districts uplift

EVEN after merger with Khyber Pukhtunkhwa, tribal districts of former FATA are not getting a fair deal in the release of development funds. The Senate Standing Committee on SAFRON was told that under the Annual Development Programme (ADP), the government released 36 billion rupees out of 83 billion, which was promised by the government. The parliamentary committee was informed that Khyber Pukhtunkhwa government allocated 11 billion rupees under the Accelerated Implementation Plan (AIP) programme for various merged districts but did not release the amount for starting the development projects.
The main objective of merger of tribal districts was to accelerate the pace of socio economic uplift in these districts. For this purpose an ambitious 10years Plan of 100 billion rupees had been chalked out and it was decided to allocate 3 percent share of funds in the next NFC Award. In the war against global terrorism, the areas of former FATA have been badly affected. The operation against militant outfits has displaced large number people from every district. The return and rehabilitation of IDPs of tribal districts needs to be done on priority basis. This will be possible only when funds are released for the implementation of AIP. The road infrastructure in the merged districts needs improvement and expansion. Primary healthcare system has to be established and the secondary health service has to be upgraded. Construction of small storage dams on the potential sites is inventible to promote small farming, forestry and other related economic activities.
Induction of new technologies for the exploration of mineral and their production is all the more necessary. As in the near future the merged districts will serve as gateway for trade with Afghanistan and Central Asian States, Tribal areas Chamber of Commerce and Industry had agitated the issue of improving and upgrading power transmission and distribution system to boost industry and trade in these areas. The rationale behind this demand was to exploit the exotic mineral resources of tribal areas such as marble, granite soapstone and others by setting up industries manufacturing value added products for exports. In addition to the mineral reserves, tribal districts have great potential for fruits processing industry. It was due to this comparative advantage that a long term industrial plan had been put in place in 2006, titled ROZs which could not be implemented at time because of security reasons.