Kremlin issues alert in response to US move

| Says US actions causing ‘great concern’
| Warns US over troops deployment in Eastern Europe


Moscow: Russia has started making combat readiness inspections in its southern military district, which borders Ukraine, involving more than 6,000 troops, the RIA news agency cited Russia’s military as saying on Tuesday.
The Kremlin earlier said it was watching with great concern after the United States put 8,500 troops on alert to be ready to deploy to Europe in case of an escalation in the Ukraine crisis.
On Sunday and Monday, the U.S. and the United Kingdom governments decided to evacuate their embassy staff and their families from Kyiv.
NATO allies are sending more ships and jets to “enhance deterrence and defense” in eastern Europe as Russia “continues its military buildup in and around Ukraine,” the organization announced on Monday.
Along with its European allies, the U.S. warned that Russia is setting the stage to invade Ukraine and has deployed over 100,000 troops on its border with the former Soviet republic alongside heavy artillery and tanks.
Earlier, he United States is in full agreement with European allies on the severity of the response to any Russian invasion of Ukraine, and on the urgency of the threat, Washington said Monday as the Pentagon is putting about 8,500 U.S.-based troops on heightened alert for potential deployment to Europe amid rising fears of a possible Russian military move on Ukraine.
“There is no ambiguity,” U.S. State Department spokesman Ned Price told reporters. “There is no daylight. We know that, and importantly, the Russian Federation knows that.”
Pentagon press secretary John Kirby also said Monday no final decisions had been made on deployments, which he said would happen only if the NATO alliance decides to activate a rapid-response force “or if other situations develop” in connection with tensions over Russia’s military buildup along Ukraine’s borders.