Krygyz President reviews global reactions on protests in country

Bishkek: President of Kyrgyzstan Soroonbay Jeenbekov received on Tuesday Foreign Minister of the country Chingiz Aidarbekov, his press service reported.
Chingiz Aidarbekov informed about the position of international organizations and partner countries on the recent events in the country, noting that world was closely following the situation and constant communication was maintained, deep concern about the development of the situation was expressed.
The minister reported about meetings with UN Resident Coordinator in Kyrgyzstan Ozonnia Ojielo, as well as with Ambassador, Head of the European Union Delegation in the republic Edward Auer.
During these meetings, representatives of the UN and EU were informed of Kyrgyzstan’s need to return to the legal field as soon as possible through a broad political dialogue between the national political forces, respecting the requirements of the Constitution of the Kyrgyz Republic.
Besides, it was noted that all efforts are being made to resolve the current situation within the law. The parties also discussed the possibility of technical support for the upcoming repeat parliamentary elections in the Kyrgyz Republic.
Representatives of international organizations and foreign states expressed their support to the Kyrgyz authorities’ efforts to stabilize the socio-political situation in the country, as well as readiness to provide necessary assistance.
FM Aidarbekov also informed that all foreign institutions of the Kyrgyz Republic were focused on the need to conduct explanatory work with official authorities of the host country on the current domestic political situation, as well as on measures taken to resolve the situation in the legal field.
President Jeenbekov emphasized with gratitude the support of foreign partners. He noted that in the current difficult political situation, special attention should be paid to providing the entire international community with reliable information.
Earlier, Kyrgyz President Sooronbay Jeenbekov received First Deputy Prosecutor General Nurlan Dardanov and First Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for National Security Talantbek Saliyev.
The meeting discussed measures for strengthening of law and order in the country, the Kyrgyz president’s press service said.
Nurlan Dardanov informed about the progress of investigation of criminal cases on mass riots that took place in Bishkek. Procuratorial authorities are full working in this direction.–Agencies