Kyrgyz Acting President discusses transparency of elections

DM Monitoring

Bishkek: Acting President of Kyrgyzstan, Speaker of Parliament Talant Mamytov received Secretary of the Security Council of the Kyrgyz Republic Ryskeldi Musaev and the Vice Prime Minister of the country Maksat Mamytkanov.
Measures to develop cross-border cooperation and ensure public safety during the pre-election period were discussed. Secretary of the Security Council Ryskeldi Musaev reported on the work carried out in the border regions of the republic and measures to join the State Border Service to the State Committee for National Security. He said that work on resolving border issues with neighboring countries continues. Ryskeldi Musaev added that during the pre-election period, law enforcement agencies were given appropriate instructions to ensure public safety. Vice Prime Minister Maksat Mamytkanov presented information on the current work of the Republican Headquarters to organize early presidential elections.
He informed that a number of offsite meetings were held in the regions of the country, as a result of which the local authorities and the involved state bodies were given instructions to ensure the transparency of the election process, to prevent possible violations of law.
Acting President Talant Mamytov drew attention to the need for timely implementation of all planned measures within the framework of organizing early presidential elections, taking measures to prevent possible attempts to destabilize the socio-political situation during the electoral process.
Talent Mamytov added that state bodies must ensure its openness, transparency, and promptly respond to violations of electoral legislation. During the meeting, issues were also raised regarding the protection of entrepreneurs and foreign investors, as well as large business facilities that provide citizens with jobs.
The importance of ensuring protection, enhancing interaction with the business community and investors, ensuring their safety from illegal actions by law enforcement and supervisory authorities, preventing pressure on them from destructive elements was noted.
Meanwhile, Acting President of Kyrgyzstan, Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh, Talant Mamytov, received today Chairman of the Board of the National Energy Holding Company Nurbek Kozubekov. The President’s press service said that Nurbek Kozubekov presented information on the readiness of energy companies for the autumn-winter period, current tasks facing the country’s energy sector.
He said that all domestic energy companies completed scheduled repair work on time and are fully ready for the heating season. At the same time, he noted that the volume of water in the Toktogul reservoir as of November 23 amounted to 14.1 billion cubic meters, which is 2.4 billion cubic meters less than the same period in 2019. Mamytov emphasized the need to ensure uninterrupted supply of electricity to the population in the winter period. He urged to pay special attention to the remote regions of the country.
The acting head of state drew attention to the importance of strengthening work to attract foreign investment in the construction of small hydroelectric power plants, creating all the necessary conditions for this, rehabilitating existing hydroelectric power plants and ensuring the rational use of the country’s energy potential as a whole.