Kyrgyz celebrate 29th National Day

BISHKEK: Kyrgyzstan on Monday celebrated the 29th anniversary of its independence with restrictive measures during the COVID-19 pandemic.
The main celebratory event, with the participation of President Sooronbai Jeenbekov and a limited number of officials, took place at the central Ala-Too Square in the capital Bishkek.
Speaking at the event, the president noted that independence is the most sacred value, the greatest source of pride and heritage passed down by their ancestors who had fought for centuries and sacrificed their lives for it.
“This year we celebrate the 29th anniversary of independence during a global pandemic,” Jeenbekov said, adding that due to the current circumstances, the planned solemn events could not take place.
“But independence is a holiday that lives in the hearts of each of us,” he noted.
He also stressed that Kyrgyzstan will develop good relations with neighboring countries, strengthen cooperation with allies and partners, and consolidate diplomatic relations with both Western and Eastern countries.
The festive events — a concert and a theatrical performance — were held online and broadcasted on the country’s TV channels.
As of Sunday, Kyrgyzstan has reported 38,820 COVID-19 cases with 1,059 deaths.–Agencies