Kyrgyz cops receive GPS trackers under EU project

Bishkek: A shipment of GPS trackers was handed over to the Service on Countering Illicit Drug Turnover of the Ministry of Interior of the Kyrgyz Republic. The equipment was purchased and donated by the project “EU Action against Drugs and Organized crime (EU-ACT)”, the Press and Information Office of the Delegation of the European Union to the Kyrgyz Republic reported.
The total cost of the UK-produced equipment is EUR 25000. It is widely used by European law enforcement in their activities aimed at countering drug trafficking and organized crime. The purpose of the donation is to enhance technical capacity of the Service in countering illicit drug trafficking, in particular, for conduction of joint investigations and controlled deliveries.
The project “EU Action against Drugs and Organized crime (EU-ACT)” has been implemented since January 2017. It covers countries along the so-called “Heroin Route”: Georgia, Ukraine, Tanzania, Pakistan and Kyrgyzstan.
Within three years of project implementation in Kyrgyzstan, activities will be implemented on training of law enforcement agencies on detection and investigation of drug crimes, improvement of international cooperation in countering transnational drug related crimes and assistance in conduction of joint interagency and international operative and investigative activities.
Meanwhile, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan informs about obtaining the consent of the Kazakh side to provide a regular corridor for transit through the territory of Kazakhstan for buses with citizens of Kyrgyzstan, located in Orenburg Region and the Republic of Bashkortostan of the Russian Federation.
According to the press service of the Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry, currently an employee of the Kyrgyz Embassy in Russia is working on the spot to organize the passage of Kyrgyz citizens from Bashkortostan to the territory of Sol-Iletsk town of Russia’s Orenburg Region for their subsequent crossing the Russian-Kazakh border together with citizens of Kyrgyzstan, located in Orenburg Region.–Agencies