Kyrgyz ensures Vaccine availability

BISHKEK: Now everyone in Kyrgyzstan can receive a Chinese-made coronavirus vaccine, according to the press service of the Health Ministry of the country.
Meanwhile, head of the Immunoprophylaxis Center of Bishkek Center for State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance of Bishkek Burul Asylbekova said that Bishkek residents who want to get a vaccine can apply to health-care institutions in the capital.
Initially, it was decided to vaccinate priority groups: health workers, teachers, law enforcement officers and other public officials at the highest risk of infection. The second group included the elderly over 65 years of age and people with chronic diseases.
“But given the current epidemiological situation, when the statistics on the incidence of coronavirus is growing, it was decided to allow everyone to receive the vaccine,” Burul Asylbekova said.
The specialist noted that in making this decision, the arrival of the Russian Sputnik V vaccine was taken into account. It will be used to vaccinate people in the second group, i.e. people over 65 years old and people with chronic diseases.
Kyrgyzstan received 150 thousand doses of the Sinopharm vaccine of the Chinese manufacturer Beijing Institute of Biological Product Co. Ltd on March 19 and has started vaccination campaign on March 29.
The inoculation is carried out twice, with an interval of 25-28 days. No side effects have been reported after immunization with this vaccine. On April 22, Kyrgyzstan received 20,000 doses of Russian Sputnik V vaccine. –PNP