Kyrgyz nation prepares for 30th Independence Anniversary

DM Monitoring

Bishkek: President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Jeenbekov signed a decree “On preparation for the celebration of the 30th anniversary of independence of the Kyrgyz Republic”, the head of state’s press service reported.
On Aug. 31, 1991, the Supreme Council of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan adopted the Declaration on State Independence of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan, according to which the Kyrgyz Republic was declared an independent, sovereign democratic state.
The historical significance of this document is that it determined the legality of the processes of the formation of independence and the constitutional development of the country. The declaration, which opened the way for building an independent Kyrgyz statehood, embodies the will of the Kyrgyz people, its age-old aspirations and hopes. Kyrgyzstan, as an independent state, has taken its rightful place among the countries of the world, becoming a member of the international community, with the full right to participate in its activities, as well as independently resolve political, economic and other issues. The world community has recognized Kyrgyzstan as a sovereign country. In order to ensure timely preparation for the high-level celebration of the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Kyrgyz Republic on Aug. 31, 2021, it is decided to form an organizing committee for the preparation and holding of events related to the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the independence of the Kyrgyz Republic; to approve an action plan and to allocate necessary financial resources from the republican budget for the preparation and implementation of these activities. Meanwhile, President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Jeenbekov signed four decrees on admission to the citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic and on renunciation of the citizenship of the Kyrgyz Republic, his press service reported.