Kyrgyz President chairs meeting over COVID-19

Bishkek: “Now medical workers are doing everything possible to fight the coronavirus, we’re all busy with the current problems, but there is need to analyze the situation and predict the further course of the illness in our country in order to improve the effectiveness of our efforts to combat this disease. Therefore, it is necessary to provide practical assistance to the Government in this direction,” President Sooronbay Jeenbekov said Wednesday at a meeting with the country’s health-care professionals.
An exchange of views on the stabilization of the epidemiological situation in the country, analysis and forecasting of the situation, the specifics of the disease and treatment took place at the meeting, the press service of the Kyrgyz President reported.
President Jeenbekov heard scientific opinion of the meeting participants, as well as a number of practical recommendations to address pressing problems that have emerged in the current situation in the country’s healthcare system.
The Kyrgyz leader expressed gratitude for the specialists’ daily work for the benefit of health and life of citizens. Noting the trend in the morbidity rate in the country’s regions as well, Jeenbekov stressed the importance of consulting with local doctors and improving their professional skills.
Doctors of medical sciences, professors, WHO expert and academicians took part in the meeting with the Kyrgyz President.
The meeting participants voiced a number of proposals and recommendations to stabilize the epidemiological situation in the country, as well as urgent issues that need to be addressed immediately to protect public health. It was proposed to establish a National Public Health Institute to coordinate actions.
Meanwhile, “Covering the shortage of drugs in the country is under special control. The option of using the potential of domestic pharmaceutical production is also under consideration. The Government is recommended to support pharmaceutical enterprises, except for measures to import medicines from outside,” President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Jeenbekov said Tuesday during a conversation with medical personnel while visiting a night-time inpatient center in Bishkek. – Agencies