Kyrgyz President declares economic amnesty

Foreign News Desk

Bishkek: Acting President, Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan Sadyr Zhaparov made an official appeal, where he declared about economic amnesty.
The press service of the government said that the purpose of the amnesty is:
– to replenish the state budget, including finding additional resources;
– to return the capital previously illegally exported outside our state, including in offshore zones;
– to bring the shadow resources of the business community into the legal channel;
– create equal conditions for all business entities;
– to achieve positive macroeconomic indicators;
– to find the necessary funds to support the country’s economy in the shortest possible time;
– to ensure the payment of the country’s external debt.
Sadyr Zhaparov gave 30 days to corrupt officials who organized criminal schemes, profiting from the common people, robbing them; former officials who sit in the shares of various companies; officials who illegally took possession of shares of large enterprises by means of raider seizure; entrepreneurs who evade paying taxes; individual officials who are involved in violating the current legislation, or who assist in the commission of these acts, heads of ministries and departments; customs officers and financiers to voluntarily return what they acquired to the state treasury.
“In a short time, a legal framework will be prepared for economic amnesty and legalization of funds, movable and immovable property. If you do not take this opportunity and ignore the economic amnesty, the most stringent measures will be taken in accordance with the law,” the acting president said.
He also guaranteed the inviolability of the declared property and income, exemption from all types of punishment and said that confidentiality will be respected in the voluntary declaration of property and income. “This is the demand of the people! This is the goal of the people who have entrusted me with the fate of the country,” he noted in his address.
Meanwhile, For 30 years Kyrgyzstan has gone through 3 revolutions, which were caused by dishonest elections, Acting President, Prime Minister Sadyr Zhaparov told in an interview with the BBC Kyrgyz Service.
He noted that his goal is to conduct fair elections by any means through ballots or e-mail.
“I instructed the Central Election Commission to introduce the blockchain system. It will cost approximately USD 25 million. These funds are now being sought.
The blockchain system will be implemented, perhaps we are in time for the upcoming elections. If not, then we will definitely introduce them to the next ones. The main advantage of blockchain in the voting system is its high level of transparency. This method eliminates the possibility of voting several times, since it stores immutable records of all votes and all identification data,” Zhaparov said.

According to acting President Zhaparov, this system cannot distort the election results.

“It takes time to introduce this system. But I will leave, having introduced this system, after that there should be no problems with elections. We will get rid of problems with unfair elections,” Zhaparov said.