Kyrgyz President highlights vitality of upcoming elections

Bishkek: President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sooronbay Jeenbekov made an appeal to the Kyrgyz people in connection with the upcoming parliamentary elections, which will be held on Oct. 4, 2020.
The press service of the President reported that in his appeal Jeenbekov noted that the election campaign was conducted in an environment of high political competition.
“The qualitative composition of the future parliament will have a direct impact on the development of our country in the next five years,” he said noting that the vote of every voter is decisive.
The President stressed that these elections must be fair, reflecting the free expression of the will of citizens and to achieve this goal that all conditions have been created.
“We have introduced new norms into legislation in order to prevent violations of the law, prosecute illegal actions and prevent the use of administrative resources. Equal conditions were created for all parties to conduct the campaign,” he said reminding that vote buying is punishable by law.
President Jeenbekov noted that in any fight, there will definitely be a winning and a losing side and in this connection he expressed confidence that the losers do not provoke a split in society or harm peace and stability in the country.
He also reminded that on the Election Day, the attention of the entire international community will be riveted to Kyrgyzstan.
Jeenbekov urged to hold elections without losing national honor and dignity and expressed hope that this day will remain in the history of the country as a day of manifestation of high political culture. He expressed confidence that Kyrgyz citizens will show political insight and do not make a mistake with the choice by casting the vote for those who will serve not their own interests, but the interests of the people. In conclusion he wished everybody good health, prosperity and success and asked the Almighty to protect Kyrgyzstan.
Meanwhile, President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Jeenbekov congratulated Chinese leader Xi Jinping on the 71st anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China, his press service reported Thursday.
“This year, the global COVID-19 pandemic has caused significant damage to the world economy. Under your leadership, China has shown truly impressive and effective results in combating the coronavirus pandemic. China’s successful experience has served for the whole world as a model in preventing the spread of coronavirus infection among populations and saving lives,” the congratulatory letter reads. The Kyrgyz leader expressed his conviction that with the victory over the COVID-19 pandemic, Kyrgyzstan and China will be able to quickly resume trade and economic relations, including the implementation of projects under the Belt and Road initiative, for the further progressive development of bilateral relations. Sooronbay Jeenbekov reiterated his willingness to work together to expand and deepen the Kyrgyz-Chinese comprehensive strategic partnership in the spirit of good neighborliness, friendship and mutual understanding, and wished Xi Jinping good health, prosperity and success in responsible government activities, and peace and well-being to the friendly people of China.–Agencies