Kyrgyz President urges boosting pharmaceutical production

DM Monitoring

BISHKEK: “Covering the shortage of drugs in the country is under special control. The option of using the potential of domestic pharmaceutical production is also under consideration. The Government is recommended to support pharmaceutical enterprises, except for measures to import medicines from outside,” President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Jeenbekov said Tuesday during a con-versation with medical personnel while visiting a night-time inpatient center in Bishkek,
The center is being opened to receive citizens for provision primary medical care at night, the Kyrgyz President’s press service reported. Bishkek Mayor Aziz Surakmatov informed that in addition to 9 day centers, two night-time hospitals are opened in the capital, where citizens can receive necessary medical care and advice from doctors. Medical volunteers from among compatriots who have arrived from abroad are also involved in the work of the night hospitals.
Speaking to the medical stuff, President Jeenbekov expressed his deep gratitude to them for providing necessary round-the-clock assistance to patients.
In total, more than 80 medical volunteers from Moscow, Yekaterinburg, Novosibirsk and other cities of Russia have arrived to provide medical assistance to health facilities of the country. Medical volunteer teams from Novosibirsk and Turkey are expected to arrive in the near future.
The Kyrgyz President said the Government is increasing the salaries of doctors working in focuses of diseases, and it will con-tinue to support them in the future. As Jeenbekov stressed, volunteers, who have taken special care of physicians, provide all possible assistance in the fight against the disease. Thanks to their active civic position, inpatient centers are being opened.
“If every citizen observes the established requirements, then we will win. Much depends on responsibility and discipline,” the President concluded, and wished the medical personnel health and strength of spirit.
Earlier, President of the Kyrgyz Republic Sooronbay Jeenbekov held Friday an online meeting with governors of the country’s oblasts.
According to the press service of the President, the meeting discussed the implementation of decisions of the Security Council on stabilizing the epidemiological situation in oblasts and combating the spread of coronavirus infection.
Leaders of the regions informed about measures taken to fight coronavirus infection on the ground, provision of medical ser-vices to the population.
President Jeenbekov stressed the need to fully equip all medics, hospitals, daytime inpatient centers and observation zones with the necessary protective equipment, medicines.
He also drew attention to the stock of medicines in pharmacies. The Kyrgyz leader urged to conduct a full audit, reserve in ad-vance and report on missing drugs.