Kyrgyzstan close to overcome virus crisis

DM Monitoring

Bishkek: “The situation with the coronavirus is improving. Nevertheless, we must be ready for any development of the situation,” President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbai Jeenbekov told on Saturday.
In a regular interview with state radio the head of state noted that although the disease began to decline, there are forecasts of a second wave of coronavirus infection, and the likelihood of a complication of the situation in the regions remains. He stressed that the situation may change, and no one is immune from this.
The Kyrgyz government continues to warn about the need to comply with preventive measures.
“Each of us has a responsibility to follow the rules of hygiene and sanitation until an effective vaccine is found. I also want to point out that preventing the further spread of the virus depends on the social responsibility of each of us. I would like to urge everyone not to be indifferent,” the president noted.
The head of state stressed that each of us must learn to protect ourselves, our families and our children from the virus.
“We must treat others the way we would like to be treated. And then we can win the fight against this disease. Therefore, caution will not harm anyone, protection from this disease is in the hands of each of us. We must take a very responsible attitude to this issue,” Jeenbekov called on radio listeners.
Meanwhile, President of Kyrgyzstan Sooronbay Jeenbekov continues his working trips to the regions of the country. Yesterday, Aug. 20 as part of his two-day working visit to Naryn Oblast, the Kyrgyz leader visited At-Bashy and Naryn regions and Naryn town.
In At-Bashy region, President Jeenbekov inspected a dairy processing plant, where a large dairy complex is being built for year-round work, his press service reported Thursday. He also familiarized with the activity of the At-Bashy region territorial hospital, where a possibility for reconstruction of the infectious diseases department will be considered.
In addition, the Kyrgyz leader got acquainted with the process of digitalization of Naryn, where the Smart City pilot project is being implemented, under which it is planned to digitize all municipal and public services.
Sooronbay Jeenbekov inspected the construction of a new 70-bed pilot building of the infectious diseases department of the Naryn Oblast United Hospital, which is planned to be fully completed by the end of September 2020.
The head of state concluded the trip by visiting Naryn region. Here he familiarized with the construction of a new 150-bed school in Kenesh village, which is scheduled to be completed in November. Last year pupils had to start studying at the mobile school made from containers, which caused a wide public response.
Also, Jeenbekov inspected the progress of reconstruction of the At-Bashy HPP, where modernization to increase the capacity of the station continues.