Kyrgyzstan president resigns after unrest

BISHKEK: President of Kyrgyzstan made an appeal to the nation in connection with the existing social and political situation in the country, his press service reported Thursday.
In his address to the people of Kyrgyzstan President Jeenbekov said the social and political situation in the capital of country – Bishkek – remains tense.
He noted that despite the fact that the composition of the Government was approved, decrees on relevant appointments were signed, the aggression is not subsiding, the demand for his immediate resignation continues.
“On the one side – protesters and law enforcement agencies on the other. Soldiers and law enforcement bodies are obliged to use weapons to protect the State Residence. In this case, blood will spill, it is inevitable. I urge both sides not to give in to provocations.
For me, peace in Kyrgyzstan, integrity of the country, unity of our people and calmness in society are above all. There is nothing more dear for me than the life of each of my compatriots,” the Kyrgyz leader stressed.
Jeenbekov emphasized that he doesn’t want to go down in history of Kyrgyzstan as the President who spilled blood and shot his own citizens. “Therefore, I decided to resign.
I urge Zhaparov (Prime Minister of Kyrgyzstan) and other politicians to take their supporters out of the capital and return peaceful life to Bishkek residents.
No power is worth the integrity of our country and consent in society.
May there be peace and tranquility on our land!”, Sooronbay Jeenbekov concluded his address.
After the parliamentary elections in Kyrgyzstan held on Oct. 4 some political parties, who lost the elections, organized protests on Monday demanding to annul the election results. The protests rose to clashes between police and protesters.
The participants of the protest action seized the Parliament building and other strategic objects, released some formed officials from jail. The country’s prime minister and parliament speaker resigned. The Central Election Commission on Tuesday annulled the results of the elections.
On Oct. 14 President Jeenbekov signed a Decress on appointment of Prime Minister Sadyr Zhaparov and his Government after the Kyrgyz Parliament approved his candidature. –Agencies