Kyrgyzstan seeks UN assistance in upcoming national events

DM Monitoring

Bishkek: Kyrgyzstan’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Ruslan Kazakbaev received UN Resident Coordinator in the Kyrgyz Republic Ozonnia Ojielo.
According to the press service of the Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry, the meeting focused on current political transformations in the country, in particular, the constitutional reform, as well as UN agencies’ assistance to the Kyrgyz Republic.
Ruslan Kazakbaev thanked the interlocutor for constant support and assistance offered in implementing the constitutional reform in the republic.
The foreign minister noted that in the coming months the political calendar of the country will be full. In particular, it is planned to choose the form of government, adopt the Constitution, as well as presidential and parliamentary elections. In this regard, he asked the interlocutor to provide technical assistance in conducting these important national events.
UN Resident Coordinator in Kyrgyzstan Ozonnia Ojielo stressed the development of the new version of the Basic Law is a sovereign right of the people and the state, noting the importance of reflecting the provisions on human rights and freedoms in it.
He also noted the UN’s readiness to assist Kyrgyzstan in improving the quality of documents under development in the framework of the constitutional reform. Ozonnia Ojielo emphasized the UN is a universal international organization that can attract best practices, knowledge and resources.
Meanwhile, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Kyrgyzstan Ruslan Kazakbaev met with Regional Representative of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights for Central Asia Richard Komenda, the press service of the Kyrgyz Foreign Ministry reported.
During the meeting, the importance and symbolism of location in Kyrgyzstan the only regional office and the key UN agency such as OHCHR was emphasized, which corresponds to the country’s efforts to ensure human rights and freedoms.
The OHCHR Regional Office for Central Asia (ROCA) was established in 2008 in Bishkek and currently covers all five countries in the region: Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan.
Richard Komenda has been working as the Head of the OHCHR Regional Office since May 2016.