Kyrgyzstanis show high civic activity in elections

DM Monitoring

Bishkek: Kyrgyzstanis show high civic activity in the parliamentary elections, which has begun today, head of the CIS observer mission Viktor Guminsky told.
Head of the CIS observer mission, Viktor Guminsky said that, their long-term observers have been working since Sept. 14.
“It can be seen that the CEC of the country together with other government bodies, has done a great job in all areas, which should affect the result. According to the observers’ reports, the beginning of the voting day is very orderly. The sites were opened on time. At one of the sites, the trash can “stalled”, but it was not for a long time, which did not affect the entire work of the site. Technique is technique,” he said.
Guminsky emphasized, such a complex of voting, which is now taking place in Kyrgyzstan, is practically the first time in the CIS.
“If we saw part of the complex in Russia, part in Armenia, but for the whole complex to be used for the first time. This, of course, affects the organization of the voting itself.
There are queues, but the distance is respected, the temperature is measured, masks, gloves are given, that is, even under such conditions, it is possible to organize the voting process perfectly.
I have spoken with observers, voters and no one has any doubts or complaints. We already see that the beginning of the elections and the process are open and transparent. People go to vote.
I want to note that the tremendous work carried out by the state today is already yielding positive results,” the head of the mission said.
The observer noted that no shortcomings and violations were revealed during the preparatory period.
“However, there are some doubts. For example, there are a lot of voters in Form-2 (change of polling station).