Lawmakers want joint session to discuss strategy

By Ali Imran

ISLAMABAD: The lawmakers from the government and opposition parties in the National Assembly on Friday demanded the government to call joint session of the parliament to discuss steps at government level to control spread of Coronavirus epidemic.
Speaking on a point of order in the National Assembly, the former Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi said, “Joint session of Parliament should be summoned immediately to discuss the corona virus to take steps at government level for controlling its spread.”
“The government and the opposition should sit together to discuss the issue and find out the solution to control it which had already affected the whole world”, he added. He said opposition would not do politics on the issue of Coronavirus, the member of the opposition parties are ready to sit with the government to discuss the solution of the issue currently confronting the country and world over.
However, he was of the view that till date the government had not taken serious steps to control the deadly virus. He said Coronavirus had disturbed the economy of the world and it might bring negative impact of Pakistan’s economy.
Responding to a point highlighted by the former prime minister, Minister of Federal Education and Professional Training, Shafqat Mahmood said 22 confirmed cases of corona various had been reported in the country so far.
He said screening of Coronavirus had been put in place at all the airports and about one million had been screened by the authority.
“We are aware of the sensitivity of the issue and the government was taking all possible steps to control the coronavirus in the country” he added.
The government was well-prepared to prevent the deadly corona virus which badly spread other countries, adding, government had taken adequate measures to ensure that the disease did not spread further.
He said the government has taken all-out preparations to provide necessary treatment if anyone in the country is found infected.
Talking about schools, he said, coronavirus situation in the country was not serious enough that schools need to be closed.
About not bringing back Pakistani students from the China, he said it was difficult decision, but it had been taken in the best interest of the country.
He said government of China had advised Pakistan not to take back the students from the affected province as the China government had provided all possible assistance and medical care to them.
He said emergency had been declared in Punjab while Sindh government had announced to close schools and universities in the province as preventive measures.
The minister said he had discussed the issue with the representative of Britain as the British government had not closed schools, universities. “We have taken all necessary steps to control the virus and I assure the House, the issue would be dealt in effective way”.
Member National Assembly (MNA) Pakistan People Party Raja Pervaiz Asharif said state emergency should be declared in the country.
He said comprehensive awareness campaign should be launched in the country. About Sindh, he said, people coming from aboard had brought the virus.
The former prime minister also endorsed proposal of calling joint session of the parliament to discuss the Coronavirus. MQM lawmaker Ameen ul-Haq said his party also supports idea of the other parties for calling joint session of the parliament to discuss corona virus and preventing measures to control it. He also asked for declaring state emergency in the country to prevent spread of the disease.