Leaders’ summit seen as crucial for World

BEIJING: All eyes are on the China-United States summit as President Xi Jinping left Beijing on Tuesday for his face-to-face meeting with US President Joe Biden in San Francisco, where he will also attend the 30th Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Economic Leaders’ Meeting.
Amid a complex international landscape, and at a time when China-US relations are at a critical cross-roads, Xi’s trip to the US has been highly anticipated.
Rebecca Fatima Sta Maria, executive director of the APEC Secretariat, said that for the world’s two largest economies to have a very important conversation at such a critical time opens the door to other opportunities for the world. Countries should look at more holistic benefits that can spur global growth from a broader perspective, she said.
The Foreign Ministry has said that the two presidents will have in-depth communication on issues of strategic, overarching and fundamental importance in shaping China-US relations, as well as major is-sues concerning world peace and development. Xi will also use the APEC Economic Leaders’ Meeting to fully elaborate on China’s major propositions on deepening Asia-Pacific cooperation and driving regional and global growth, the ministry said.
Head-of-state diplomacy plays an irreplaceable strategic role in growing China-US ties. In November last year, Xi and Biden met in Bali, Indonesia, and reached a series of important common understand-ings. During that meeting, Xi stressed that the development of China-US relations should be based on the three principles of mutual respect, peaceful coexistence and win-win cooperation. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item