Learning, exploring and experiencing: My journey at CUC and stay in China

By Daniel from Kenya

In 2019, I had the incredible opportunity to travel to China for further studies. As someone with little knowledge of China’s education system, I knew I was stepping into the unknown, and I was both nervous and excited. The process of securing admission into a Chinese university was rigorous, beginning with interviews in Kenya, followed by additional interviews at the Communication University of China (CUC). During this process, I had to familiarize myself with several new tools, including WeChat, which proved essential for communicating with university officials and professors. This app allowed me to conduct interviews and consultations seamlessly, facilitating productive conversations that ultimately led to my acceptance into the Communication University of China, one of the top institutions in the field.
Embarking on a New Chapter: My Journey to China and CUC
Receiving the admission letter was a moment of pure joy and relief. After months of anticipation and preparation, I was finally ready to embark on this new chapter in my life. In September of that year, I boarded a plane to China, filled with hope and excitement about what the future holds. My acquaintances in the country warmly welcomed me upon my arrival, taking me on a brief tour of Beijing before I settled in for my studies. My initial impressions of China were awe-inspiring. The towering skyscrapers, beautifully maintained roads, and well-structured infrastructure were beyond anything I had seen before. The sheer scale of development was an eye-opener, and it struck me how well-organized everything seemed.
The university’s readily available facilities and amenities struck me as soon as I entered. It was clear that this institution was committed to providing an optimal environment for academic and personal growth. This level of sophistication made me think about my own country, Kenya, and how such infrastructure and educational advancements could benefit our own system. In fact, at that moment, the idea of starting a school back home began to germinate in my mind. I knew that my time in China would not only be about acquiring knowledge, but also about understanding how to apply that knowledge to make a difference back home.
The School of International Education welcomed me formally as a student upon my arrival. The orientation process was well-structured and quite inclusive, integrating both Chinese traditions and modern technology in a seamless manner.
It was fascinating to observe how ancient cultural practices could coexist with cutting-edge technology, creating a sense of belonging and warmth for all students, whether local or international. The welcoming ceremony included activities designed to help us understand the university’s mission, values, and expectations. One of the most memorable moments was when we gathered for a group photo in front of the university’s massive and visually stunning library, a building that would become an integral part of my academic life over the coming years.
Navigating Academic Challenges and Global Insights at CUC
The academic journey I embarked on was far from easy. Pursuing a PhD at the Communication University of China required immense dedication, focus, and self-discipline. The demands of the program were intense, and it became clear early on that only those with true determination would succeed. Despite the challenges, the growing sense of purpose within me inspired me to persevere, not only for personal achievement. I realized that the knowledge and skills I was gaining had the potential to make a real difference back in Kenya.
Getting to know international students from around the world was a highlight of my experience. This diversity of backgrounds and perspectives enriched my educational experience in ways I hadn’t anticipated. I learned so much about different cultures, traditions, and viewpoints, and these interactions helped me broaden my own perspective. It became clear to me that education is about learning from others and expanding your worldview, not just books and theories.
Academically, I had the privilege of studying under some of China’s leading media and communication professors.
Their expertise was invaluable, and I made sure to attend as many academic forums as possible, both in Beijing and in other cities. These forums allowed me to learn about Chinese media and its unique characteristics, offering insights that I could never have gained from books alone. One of the most memorable conferences I attended was constructive journalism, a concept that resonated deeply with me. The conference was a huge success, bringing together scholars from around the world to debate and share insights on this emerging field. As one of several international students who presented papers at the conference, it was amazing to be part of such an important academic dialogue.
The university continued to organize numerous symposiums and conferences throughout my time there, offering us endless opportunities to engage with scholars and practitioners from different parts of the world. These initiatives aimed to enhance our comprehension of the Chinese education system and foster a deeper appreciation of Chinese culture. I was particularly impressed by the way these academic events were structured to encourage collaboration and open dialogue. They challenged us to think critically and globally, considering how we could address the issues we discussed not only in China but also in our home countries.
For me, many of the discussions we had during these forums touched on issues that were particularly relevant to Africa and, more specifically, Kenya. We frequently explored topics pertaining to media, politics, and development, and I consistently contemplated how I could utilize the insights I acquired to address the challenges confronting my own nation. One of the key themes that emerged in these discussions was the importance of solution-based journalism, an approach that focuses on finding and highlighting solutions to societal problems rather than simply reporting on the problems themselves. This approach struck a chord with me, as it aligned with my desire to use my skills and knowledge to make a positive impact.
Embracing Global Possibilities: Reflections from My Academic Journey at CUC
My time in China opened my eyes to the possibilities that exist when you think globally while acting locally. The academic rigor, the exposure to different cultures, and the opportunity to engage with some of the brightest minds in the field were experiences that I will carry with me for the rest of my life. China’s successful blend of tradition and innovation exemplifies what a society can achieve when it embraces both its heritage and the future. As I look ahead to my future endeavors, both in Kenya and beyond, I feel confident that the lessons I learned in China will guide me in making meaningful contributions to the field of media and communication, as well as to my country’s development.
The journey to earning a Ph.D. was long and challenging, but it was also immensely rewarding. It wasn’t just about gaining a degree—it was about the growth, the experiences, and the people I met along the way. Just as China gave me the opportunity to pursue my dreams in a foreign land, it inspired me to dream bigger and work harder to create opportunities for others.