Legal experts agree on BRI cooperation

BEIJING: Domestic and foreign legal officials have pledged to strengthen collaboration in law enforcement and security, so that they can better serve and safeguard the building of the Belt and Road Initiative.
The pledge put forward by representatives from legal circles in China and abroad while participating in the China — Central and South Asia Forum on the Rule of Law, which was held in Kashgar, Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, on Monday.
They adhered to a common, comprehensive, cooperative and sustainable security concept, deciding to deepen cooperation in defense, maritime joint search and rescue, disaster management, and the fight against transnational crimes.
They also agreed to intensify crackdowns on separatism, extremism and terrorism, drug trafficking, cyber and cross-border organized offenses, as well as address nontraditional security challenges in fields such as data security, biosecurity and outer-space security.
More exchanges will be conducted in the international governance of cyberspace and the rule of law on the internet, they added.
The participants called for stronger international cooperation against corruption and the advance of global efforts in judicial areas such as extradition and repatriation of criminal suspects and the transfer of sentenced persons. –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item