Libyan Govt retakes Haftar’s last stronghold

TRIPOLI: Forces loyal to Libya’s UN-recognised government celebrated another victory against rival strongman Khalifa Haftar Friday after overrunning his last western stronghold, launchpad of an abortive 14-month assault on Tripoli.
The recapture of Tarhuna southeast of the capital capped a week that already saw the Government of National Accord (GNA) reestablish control over the whole of Greater Tripoli with Turkish military support. “Our heroic forces have extended their control over the whole of Tarhuna,” said GNA spokesman Mohamad Gnounou.
Fighters loyal to the GNA flashed the victory sign in the town’s streets, some with ammunition belts slung around their necks as they rode on top of pick up trucks, others clambering over a tank. Haftar’s forces finally gave up this week, abandoning their remaining positions in the southern suburbs to advancing government troops.
“Our heroic forces have full control of Greater Tripoli right up to the city limits,” Gnounou had announced on Thursday.–Agencies