Local govts step up to boost night economy

Wuhu: Tens of thousands of people crowded a culture and tourism area close to the Yangtze River in Wuhu, Anhui province, for an outdoor concert on Saturday night.
After the concert ended at around 9:30 pm, the night seemed to have just begun in Wuhu Old Town Block.
“After the free concert, many in the audience went to nearby restaurants and bars to continue enjoying the cheerful night,” said Cheng Pei, executive for activity planning at Huangshan Culture and Tourism, the company that runs the block.
Since late May or early June, with the easing of epidemic prevention and control measures, many local restaurants have extended their opening hours to 2 am.
In the neighboring city of Xuancheng, local authorities are considering holding similar activities regularly over the next three months.
After an inspection visit to a downtown street on June 19, the city’s Party chief and mayor led dozens of officials to a local barbecue restaurant for a casual dinner.
Kong Xiaohong, Party chief of Xuancheng, has asked local officials to attach greater importance to consumption in order to help boost the economy.
About 60 percent of Chinese consumption activities happen at night, while supermarket sales from 6 pm to 10 pm account for more than half of the day’s revenue, according to the Chinese Cities’ Night Economy Influence Report 2019 by Tencent.
–The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item