Locals march to Katcha for hostages recovery

KASHMORE: Hundreds of tribesmen led by former MPA Saleem Jan Mazari on Tuesday marching towards Katcha area to recover a hostage Sagar Kumar and other abductees.
Local clans have stepped up efforts to ensure safe recovery of Sagar Kumar, who was kid-napped from Kashmore one-and-half month ago. The convoy moving towards Katcha area comprises of the notables and elders of several communities residing in the region.
Sardar Saleem Jan Mazari has said that the local police have failed in maintenance of law and order in the area. “We have gathered Mazari clansmen and marching towards katcha area (for recovery of the hostages).
It is to be mentioned here that the northern districts of Sindh facing rampant lawlessness including kidnapping for ransom and other crimes.
Citizens protesting against failure of police and a protest sit-in staged at Bakhshapur Indus Highway recently to press for recovery of hostages from bandits. “We will continue this pro-test till recovery of the last hostage,” protest leaders vowed.
People blocked the Indus Highway with hurdles and staged sit-in against abductions in the ar-ea, infamous for rampant kidnappings of common man by outlaws in cahoots with influential quarters.
The sit-in blocked traffic from Sindh to Balochistan and Punjab. Large lines of vehicles wit-nessed on both sides of the road.
The riverine forests in Sindh and southern belt of Punjab, have historically remained a hotbed of bandit gangs involved in kidnappings for ransom and other crimes on both banks of the Indus River.
These areas are inaccessible and virtually a ‘no go area’ for police and other law enforce-ment agencies. So as, remain an ideal refuge for the fugitives and bandit gangs operating in the region. –Agencies