Mainland app assists Taiwan residents

TAIWAN: Since its official launch in 2017 in Pingtan, Fujian province, a mobile app called Tailutong has provided great convenience and benefits to Taiwan people in Fujian, the so-called first home for compatriots and businesses from the island.
Initiated by a private cloud service enterprise based in Fujian, the app is the first digital platform designed to aid Taiwan compatriots on the Chinese mainland. Since its launch, it has expanded from offering public services such as information about the Fujian government, document processing and financial assistance to more lifestyle-oriented services such as the ability to book travel between the mainland and Taiwan, and arrange package deliveries across the Taiwan Strait. On Feb 20, the third working day after the Spring Festival holiday, Gao Yanhong in Taiwan received a call from Lin Lanfang, the customer service manager of the app. “Lin told me that the business license I applied for online before the Spring Festival had been processed,” Gao said. “I was really surprised by their efficient service.”
With the resumption of transportation services between Fujian and Taiwan early last year, Gao decided to open a cross-Strait trading company in Pingtan, hoping to expand her business based on the beneficial policies the city offers.
“In the past, when Taiwan people applied for business licenses on the mainland, they had to provide various supporting documents on site,” she said. “Not long ago, a friend recommended the Tailutong app to me. After submitting an application and paying a guarantee deposit, the license request can be submitted in a few seconds, so people can trust the app to assist in applying for a business license on the mainland. It’s really convenient.” –The Daily Mail-China Daily news exchange item