Malik Amin Aslam invited to join WEF’s Champions for Nature cohort

By Minahil Makhdoom

ISLAMABAD: SAPM on Climate Change, Malik Amin Aslam, has been invited to join the Champions for Nature at the World Economic forum in recognition of his efforts for introducing and pursuing green policies in the country as a part of the global efforts that help cast positive impacts on economy and stem biodiversity loss.
“This is indeed a remarkable achievement for the country for being invited to become a part of the body of the ‘Champions for Nature’ and receive the globally-recognized title at the upcoming annual meeting of the World Economic Forum,†said SAPM on Climate Change Malik Amin Aslam, a key linchpin behind the present government’s green agenda and policies. He said further, “It is a glaring recognition of the incumbent government’s globally-acclaimed green agenda and policies as a part of the PM Imran Khan’s vision for Clean and Green Pakistan and its contribution towards overall global ecological sustainability and biodiverse conservation and protection.†While describing the philosophy of the World Economic Forum’s Champions for Nature title awarded to few top green leaders, Malik Amin said that champions for Nature is a community of leaders disrupting business-as-usual to lead the way to a nature-positive global economy and halt nature loss by 2030. Part of the Nature Action Agenda (NAA), the Champions community of the World Economic Forum assembles leaders from the public and private sectors, civil society, academia, and activism – all playing complementary roles in a multi-stakeholder approach, he explained.
Champions for Nature initiative was launched during the annual meeting of the World Economic Forum at Davos in January 2020. In their first year, the Champions recognise that their community is well-positioned to support a green post-COVID-19 recovery through systems transformation for the benefit of the economy, human health and nature.
The Prime Minister’s special assistant said that the Champions for Nature are organised into three working groups, focused on transforming the socio-economic systems with the highest impact on nature.
These three systems have been identified in the Future of Nature and Business report, part of the Forum’s New Nature Economy reports series, which is making the business and economic case for action to fight nature loss because of unsustainable production and consumption patterns across the world, Malik Amin added.
He said that during his participation as a country’s representative in the gathering of the Champions for Nature-related event, He would shed light on the Prime Minister Imran Khan’s initiatives for clean and green Pakistan.