Mamytov meets with int’l observers

DM Monitoring

Bishkek: Acting President of Kyrgyzstan, Speaker of the Jogorku Kenesh Talant Mamytov met with the heads of international observer missions who monitored the presidential elections and the referendum on determining the form of government in the country, the president’s press service reported.
The meeting was attended by the heads of international observer missions from the CIS, SCO, the Parliamentary Assembly of the CSTO, CCTS, TurkPA, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation, the CEC of Russia, Uzbekistan.
Acting head of state noted that the early presidential elections and the referendum were very important for the people of Kyrgyzstan, especially in the prism of the October events, when unprecedented violations during the parliamentary elections were revealed.
Mamytov emphasized that all measures had been taken to ensure that the elections and referendum were held peacefully, openly and fairly.
He expressed gratitude to observers for their active participation in the electoral process as international observers, which is a kind of support for the efforts of the people of Kyrgyzstan to return to the legal track, to revitalize socio-political and socio-economic life in the country.
Representatives of international observers congratulated Talant Mamytov on the successful conduct of the elections, emphasizing the high organizational level of the electoral process.
The observers noted that no gross violations were recorded that could affect the expression of the will of voters, the presidential elections and the Referendum were held transparently, and if violations were detected during the voting, prompt measures were taken by the responsible persons.
They added that in a short time, the state authorities of the country managed to do a lot to organize elections at a high level, despite the difficult economic and epidemiological situation.
International observers expressed their hope that the elections will serve to consolidate and strengthen peace in society.
Talant Mamytov stressed the importance of assessing international observers, noting that all the voiced wishes and recommendations will be carefully studied, after which appropriate measures will be taken.