Mangla, Tarbela attain utmost conservation levels

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: The two mega water reservoirs of Mangla and Tarbela have been filled to their maximum levels last night, resulting in the record availability of water in the two dams, which is being regarded a good omen for agriculture and hydel power generation in Pakistan in the days to come.
The cumulative quantum of water available at present in Mangla and Tarbela reservoirs stands at 13.336 million acre-feet (MAF) which is a record of water availability during the last 10 years.
According to the statistics, the water level in Mangla and Tarbela is 1242 feet and 1550 feet respectively above mean sea level. Water available in the two dams is 2.173 MAF more if compared with the average of the last 10 years. It is worth mentioning here that average water availability in the two dams during the last 10 years on the day recorded as 11.163 MAF.
This better hydrological situation will aptly fulfill the requirement of water for agriculture in the country for the days to come. The more water in the reservoirs will also result in more hydel generation in the coming days. It is pertinent to mention that WAPDA hydel power stations have been providing more than 8,500MW.