Marwat meets Ibad to reduce political woes

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf (PTI) leader Sher Afzal Marwat met with Former Governor Sindh Dr. Ishratul Ibad after the latter’s announcement to return to politics.
As per details, the meeting lasted for three hours, and the two leaders engaged in a detailed discussion on the prevailing political situation in the country.
The former governor emphasized the need for political stability, security, and progress, stating that “politics of reconciliation is the only way to overcome the current crises Pakistan is facing.” He also lauded the cooperation between the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government and the federal government on SIFC, calling it a “good gesture” for the country’s progress.
Ibad stressed the importance of separating administrative and governance issues from political differences, and urged for meaningful dialogue to reduce the current political tensions.
Sher Afzal Marwat also praised Dr. Ebad’s political stature and problem-solving skills, as the two leaders agreed to continue their contacts and meetings in the future.
It is pertinent to mention here that the former Sindh Governor hinted at returning to Pakistan and taking part in active politics
In a video link conversation with journalists, Ishratul Ibad discussed the country’s political situation, law and order issues, and particularly the situation in Karachi. The former Sindh governor also shared his plans for politics. “I feel that now it is high time to return to Pakistan and become active in politics again,” Ishratul Ibad, who has been living in Dubai for the past eight years, added. –Agencies