Masood calls for end to Indian repression in IoK

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MIRPUR, (AJK): Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan Thursday stressed that the youth had to play a leading role in the struggle for the liberation of occupied Kashmir from the Indian clutches and to turn Pakistan into a strong economic and military power of the region.
Addressing representatives of different youth-led organizations of the AJK here at the federal metropolis on Thursday, he said our youth were imbibed with the spirit of moving forward and change the fate of the country and the nation.
He said the youth were the architects of not only the future but the present of the country because what they are doing today would have impacts on our national life in future. “The youth should realize their responsibilities, and hammer out the strategy of their future life, accordingly,” he added.He said like the formula of physics and mathematics, there were certain principles to make our lives beautiful and purposeful adding youth should focus on career and education goals to meet the challenges of the future.
Responding to questions from the audience, the state president said the people of Jammu and Kashmir State were still struggling for realization of their goal and the whole nation was eyeing on the youth in that regard.
“The youth will have to give up crying about their being helpless, and will have to rise up to change their own fate and that of the nation as well,” he added.
Replying to a question about Kohala hydropower project, the AJK president asserted that we had struggled hard to get this project because that project, on the one hand, would meet the energy needs of the country while on the other, it would provide jobs to our educated youth. Therefore, he added, it was our best endeavour to start work on this project shortly.About the quality of education in the liberated territory, Sardar Masood Khan said a revolution had taken place in the education sector in the state and quality schools existed not only in villages but in every locality.
However, he maintained that we were trying to further develop the education sector and to improve the quality of education.
He said necessary steps were being taken to provide 4G internet facility in all cities of the liberated territory, but that facility could not be immediately extended in areas close to the line of control because of security reasons.
Meanwhile, Pakistan has called upon the international community to see the reality of India as state-sponsor of terrorism and also a purveyor of anti-Pakistan propaganda globally.
The Foreign Office Spokesperson at a weekly press briefing said India, which masqueraded itself as a victim of terrorism for too long, had fully been exposed at international level.