Massive Gas crunch looming start of winter

Staff Report

ISLAMABAD: The gas load management plan for winter could not be approved yet, meanwhile, sources from the Petroleum Division on Monday stated that people should be ready to face an acute shortage of gas in winter and that domestic consumers would be prioritized under the gas load management plan.
According to sources, a proposal has been suggested to provide gas supply to domestic consumers three times this winter for cooking purposes with full pressure.
On the other side, the non-export industry i.e. CNG sector, cement, and fertilizers sectors would experience significant gas curtailment. The gas supply for the power sector can be reduced by 45 percent.
Moreover, Sources claimed that Sui Northern and Southern’s gas shortfall can be increased to 1.2 billion cubic feet.
Therefore, a proposal for the implementation of the gas load management plan from November 1 has been tabled and it will be implemented after the Prime minister’s final nod.
Sources said that a plan was made to provide up to 350 mmcfd of liquefied natural gas (LNG) to domestic consumers, however, the gas supply for commercial use would be stopped from November 1 and they will be switched to LNG.
Meanwhile, roti, tandoor, and tea cafes would get a smooth supply of gas.