Mawra’s concept of beauty in the industry

By Aqifa Ameen

Mawra Hocane in her latest interview with “Mira Sethi”, highlights the concept of beauty in the media industry.
Replying to the question that does actresses exist only on the bases of beauty?, Mawra mentioned “NO.
This concept of beauty is totally wrong. I say that we should allow every kind of people to work in industry, let them believe in their self and let them breathe”.
Further Mawra said that “We should not weigh our industry or actors or actresses in such kind of things, it just creates hate and conflicts”.
“Of course it is a major problem in our society but it’s also on a human level to believe in your self.
Firstly we have to change our self to change the dynamics of the society and the wrong concepts in our industry”, Mawra added.