Media dialogue for collaboration on cross-border Trade held

By Asghar Ali Mubarak

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan Single Window (PSW) organized a media dialogue titled ‘Developing an Enabling Media Network Towards International Trade Facilitation.’
The dialogue provided a forum for the PSW team and media professionals to reflect on the media’s role in generating and promoting trade facilitation initiatives such as the PSW in collaboration with other public and private sector stakeholders forming the cross-border trade ecosystem.
The event was aimed at developing mutual understanding of the PSW, its organizational structure and role, as well as to benefit from the media experts’ advice on shaping the trade facilitation narrative in the public consciousness.
In addition, the event helped forge and deepen the personal relationships and networks between PSW and the media. Over 40 renowned media heads, journalists, anchors, and reporters participated in the event to understand, plan, and develop a partnership to raise awareness of the public services PSW provides.
In his welcome address, the CEO of PSW Syed Aftab Haider said, “It is important to promote the role of media and its ability to decode, communicate and create media content that highlights government initiatives for trade facilitation.”
The dialogue provided the opportunity for media representatives to share their experiences on cross border trade related reporting and how collaboration between PSW and the media could highlight and project Pakistan’s positive contribution to the digitization of the international supply chain.
During the event the participants were given an overview of the Trade Information Portal of Pakistan (TIPP) where 530 laws, regulations, procedures, and other trade-related measures from over 77 government agencies have been completely digitized and can now be accessed online.