Members of NGIC send letter to President Aliyev

DM Monitoring

BAKU: Members of the Nizami Ganjavi International Center (NGIC) sent a letter to IlhamAliyev, President of the Republic of Azerbaijan
The letter said, “Dear Mr. President,We would like to express our strong resentment over the latest full-scale military conflict against the Republic of Azerbaijan that started on September 27, 2020, and has already caused 90 civilian lives, including children and elderly people.
We strongly condemn this indiscriminate targeting of the civil population and call the international community to render its full assistance to the Republic of Azerbaijan as this is also a test of the international rules-based system and institutions, e.g., the UN and the OSCE.
Targeting the cultural heritage of a nation is in no way justifiable. Armenia’s continued targeting of civilians, civilian objects, and historical monuments is a violation of international humanitarian law, including the 1954 UNESCO Hague Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict, 1972 UNESCO Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage, 1949 Geneva Convention relative to the Protection of Civilian Persons in Time of War, 1992 European Convention for the Protection of Archaeological Heritage are an indication of the country’s continuing aggressive policy.
We, as members of the NizamiGanjavi International Center, appeal to the United Nations and UNESCO to exhibit their role and intervene at an earliest to save the Heritage of humanity.
In moving forward, OSCE Minsk Group co-chairs have to reinvigorate their role as co-chairs and act constructively. There needs to be international support for if not guarantees that the talks will be on the basis of international law and that international law will be respected.
On behalf of the members of the NizamiGanjavi International Center, please accept our deepest sympathy and condolences with regard to the loss of life, and our solidarity with all efforts to protect civilians and the valuable cultural monuments and objects in Ganja, Barda, Tartar cities.
Mr. President, please accept our appreciation and admiration for the extraordinary work of our co-chairs President VairaVike-Freiberga and Dr. Ismail Serageldin.
Mr. President, please accept the assurances of our highest respect and consideration,” the letter said.
The letter was signed by all relevant officials.