Messages from Leaders – Celebrating 70th Anniversary of Communication University of China

Liao Xiangzhong,
Chairman of the University Council
of Communication University of China

Liao Xiangzhong,
Chairman of the University Council
of Communication University of China

“The Communication University of China (CUC) is embarking on a new stage of development in higher education with the ‘Three Leaps.’ CUC focuses on promoting the Chinese path to modernization and strives to achieve three significant leaps by the middle of this century: first, it transcends traditional higher education models to adopt a future-oriented approach; second, it evolves from a provider of conventional media education to a pioneer in intelligent media education; and third, it transitions from a leading domestic university to a world-class university.”



Zhang Shuting
President of Communication
University of Chin

Zhang Shuting
President of Communication
University of China

“As it celebrates its 70th anniversary, Communication University of China is poised to focus on high-quality development and strengthen its collaboration with global higher education institutions.
This collaboration aims to facilitate cultural exchanges and mutual learning between China and the rest of the world, ushering in a new era of media education in the age of artificial intelligence.”





Makhdoom Babar
President & Editor-In-Chief
The Daily Mail

Makhdoom Babar
President & Editor-In-Chief
The Daily Mail

Gaining knowledge and education has been of utmost importance for every nation, civilization in almost every culture and religion during both the ancient and modern governance systems, there has always been a mega focus on Education. China has in fact been taking a lead in this aspect and the way from ancient China to modern People’s Republic has transformed, the main reason has been the incredible focus on education and with education came the use of technology and innovation that today is the nucleus of peace and development, not only for China but for the en-tire global community.
Starting from the teachings of great Chinese thinkers, scholars and philosophers like Confucius and Laozi (Lao Tzu) to the current network of Schools, Colleges and Universities, China has been a huge source of spreading knowledge, not only for the Chinese people but for the entire mankind and global community and Communication University of China has been one of these main sources of knowledge spread where the teaching methods are truly remarkable. with appli-cation of skills of the modern global era for almost three quarters of a century , making it un-doubtedly a shining landmark in modern China’s education history.
Today CUC is celebrating its 70th anniversary which indeed is a great landmark and a matter of pride for the University administration, its faculty members, current and former students and the people of China.
I on behalf of my entire team of professionals at The Daily Mail, Pakistan and on my personal behalf extend heartiest congratulations to The Chairman of the University Coun-cil of the CUC, The President of CUC , the faculty members, both serving and retired and the current Student as well as the Alumni of the CUC on this historic eve. My association with CUC spans over 20 decades. In 20z04, when I visited China for interactions with Chinese media and academia, Pakistan embassy in Beijing arranged my visit to CUC as it was celebrating its 50th anniversary, I delivered a lecture at the University’s Urdu Department that was being run by Professor Intekhab Alam ( Zhang Xishuan), a great Urdu teacher and also a very popular poet of Urdu poetry. I was immensely impressed by the standards of education at CUC that I right then and there envissioned it for my Children’s higher education.
As a journalist and media practitioner I am so delighted to see that over the years CUC has attained utmost standards of education and have very smartly converged with Linguistics and Journalism as well as Information literacy. Just recently the CUC concluded its seventh Edition of China Media Literacy Education International Seminar, an exercise that they started back in 2004, at their 50th anniversary. I have been watching this activity for the past 20 years and observed that these Seminars have established a prestigious platform for dialogue and exchange amongst the researchers, administrators and practitioners of Media Literacy, not only from China but from across the globe.
Through this exercise, CUC has very smartly advanced the field of Media and Information literacy, both in research and practical applications, making the event a one of the world’s top academic conference in this sphere. It is also a matter of great pleasure to notice that over the years, CUC has emerged as a pioneer educational institute of China in providing Intelli-gent Media Education, going much beyond the status of provider of conventional media educa-tion and thus I can see that it would be playing a very dynamic role in the media development of not only China but also of its friends like Pakistan.
The Daily Mail Pakistan is pleased to be working with CUC to benefit and facilitate the young journalists of media students of Pakistan and also to showcase the work of the local and interna-tional students at the CUC.
In the end I and Team Daily Mail, Pakistan once again extends heartiest congratulation to CUC family on this prestigious occasion.
Long live Pakistan-China Friendship!