Minister urges protection of cyberspace under PECA Act

ISLAMABAD: Caretaker Federal Minister for Information Technology and Telecommunication Dr. Umar Saif Wednesday said that the protection of Pakistan’s cyberspace under the PECA Act is very important.
“Cybercrime, online buying and selling, cyberbullying, protection of online data, other services of our citizens, identification of threats and effective action against criminals is our core responsibility,” he said in his address as chief guest at the prize distribution ceremony of Digital Pakistan Cybersecurity Hackathon.
The event was organized by the National Technology Fund (Ignite), an organization of the Ministry of IT Telecom. Dr. Umar Saif further said that there was no specific organization to act against cybercrime, so a cybercrime wing was created in FIA to look after these issues. “We have established a separate agency called the National Cyber Crime Investigation Agency equipped with all the required equipment and skills,” he said.
The minister said gradually, the authority to act against cybercrime is being transferred from the FIA Cybercrime wing to this particular organization which will be able to take effective action against cybercrime. –Agencies