Minorities blossoming in China

BEIJING: Seeing in believing. Pakistani media delegates witnessed “rise and shine” of Kazak minority and Xibe minority in Chabuchar County, Yining, Xinjiang. Both are among 56 ethnic groups in China.
Having physically observed living standards of Kazaks, their bustling life, kids’ education, civic amenities, surrounding ambience, well-furnished homes and livelihood have answered all infested questions, a delegate from Pakistan Media delegation said.
“It is high time of people of international community to pay a visit here as it will help distinguish truth from false,” he added. Meanwhile, Head of modern village (Uzonbrak resettlement) Ms Yang Yang welcomed the delegation and apprised of details of village and dwellers.
She informed that impoverished Kazaks living in mountains along with their animal herds were resettled here under China poverty alleviation program by providing them all plenty of resources to live better.
“With share of 80 percent from government and 20 percent from one family, handsome homes were constructed for each Kazak family. Government also provided ownership rights to them,” she added.
“Here they have many new businesses to improve their income. Each shop’s sale in village varies between RMB 10,000 to 15,000. Besides animal husbandry, Kazakhs youth have been securing their jobs in nearby factories in economic zones. Some have also joined the agriculture profession as per their precedence,” she responded to a query.
China’s ethnic policy, she said, is rooted in the country’s unique history and culture, and has four features: equality, autonomy, development, and unity.
Later Hassan Ali, owner of house in modern village served delegation local tea and food. Sharing his living experience here, he said that, “my two kids — 4 years and 6 years old receive kindergarten education free of cost.
This village is our heaven as it gives us honor and prosperous life.” –Agencies