Miscalculated move by HK opposition

MEMBERS of the opposition camp in Hong Kong have been counting on foreign pressure and interference to advance their political agenda in the special administrative region. They relentlessly lobbied anti-China politicians in Washington for support in their attempt to block the introduction of a national security law in Hong Kong and brazenly asked for US sanctions against the city and its officials.
The mass resignation of 15 opposition members of the Legislative Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, in response to the decision of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee, China’s top legislature, to clarify the eligibility for Hong Kong lawmakers, is their latest ploy. Aimed at arousing international attention and provoking foreign censure of the move, it once again demonstrates the dearth of political wisdom in the opposition camp. They should know by now that foreign interference will not achieve their unpatriotic aims. China’s commitment to safeguard its national interests and territorial integrity will never waver.
Unpalatable as it no doubt is for the opposition politicians, it is time for them to realize and accept the fact that the central government cannot be manipulated or coerced into doing what they want. Their tactic of counting on external interference will never succeed as it is against the interests of the country and the Chinese people. It is their miscalculation that has led to the disqualification of four lawmakers who had breached their oath with their disloyal deeds. All members of the Legislative Council in Hong Kong are duty bound to pledge their allegiance to the HKSAR of the People’s Republic of China, and uphold the Basic Law. In a news conference on Wednesday, Carrie Lam Cheng Yuet-ngor, Hong Kong’s chief executive, said that all lawmakers in the Legislative Council should fulfill their responsibilities. She also stressed that even without the opposition lawmakers, bills that are not welcomed by Hong Kong society will not be passed. Those LegCo members who are hellbent on pursuing an unpatriotic course have no future in Hong Kong, whether or not they have the support of foreign politicians. The only way for the opposition politicians to remain relevant to Hong Kong is for them to faithfully fulfill the role of loyal opposition. Constructive criticism is helpful. However, these lawmakers do not want to be helpful. They want to be unobliging.
Some lawmakers from the opposition camp have refused to tie themselves to the selfish pantomime of their publicity seeking colleagues and have decided to fulfill their duties as legislators. Unfortunately, the camp as a whole has chosen to disregard the public’s interests.
– China Daily