Modi invokes Nazis-like laws against Muslims: Masood

MIRPUR (AJK): Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan Monday said the world must prepare for the firestorm brewing in India and the Indian Occupied Jammu and Kashmir (IOJK) after the promulgation of Nuremberg-like discriminatory laws by the Narendra Modi government, which would be more uncontrollable than the coronavirus.
“A rafts of laws being passed by India are uncannily similar to the Nuremberg Laws, that were introduced against Jews by Hitler’s Nazi regime in 1935, and supplemented later,” he added.
The AJK president, in an interview with an English journal, said the Nuremberg Laws deprived the Jews of their German citizenship, of their right to vote and to hold public office, prohibited marriages between Jews and Germans, forbade German females from working as domestic servants in the Jews’ houses, stopped Jews from flying the German flag and banned the practice of medicine by Jews. What Hitler had done in the third and fourth decade of the last century, he said,was now being repeated by the Modi regime in occupied Kashmir and in India today.
The laws, he said, were being imposed to deprive the Kashmiri people of their identity, lands, and businesses, and besides promoting Hindu culture in Kashmir, thousands of Kashmiri youth were being incarcerated in concentration camps.
Similarly, he said, the Muslims were being targeted in the Assam state of India, who were being deprived of the Indian nationality, while the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) leaders were publicly saying that that experiment would be repeated throughout India. The AJK president said a popular movement against the citizenship and other discriminatory laws had started in India, and the international community particularly the UNO International Commission of Jurists and International Law Commission needed to get deeply involved.
Saluting the UN High Commissioner for HR Michelle Bachelet for filing an application urging the Supreme Court of India to make the UN body a third party in a petition challenging the controversial Citizenship Amendment Act 2019, Sardar Masood said Bachelet had tried to fulfill her international obligations. He recalled that a big bloc comprising 751 members of the European Parliament had passed more than six resolutions in January, condemning the Indian discriminatory citizenship law and actions in the IoK. The resolutions, he added, had particularly noted that the Indian citizenship act and other actions would create the “statelessness” crisis in the world.–Agencies