Modi led government fails to satisfy farmers

DM Monitoring

NEW DELHI: Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) inspired Modi led government in India remained clueless in front of protesting farmers to meet their genuine demands. In bit to depict sincerity, India’s government invited protesting farmers for talks on Tuesday, seeking to allay concerns about new laws growers fear could pave the way for the government to stop buying grain at guaranteed prices, leaving them at the mercy of private buyers.
Thousands of Indian farmers, who’ve blocked highways into New Delhi for days, vow to continue their protests. For days, thousands of Indian farmers have been blocking highways leading into New Delhi, defying police tear gas, water cannon and baton charges. They have travelled hundreds of kilometres by bus, tractor or on foot to protest against new agricultural laws they say will ruin them. The laws remove minimum pricing for farm produce and open up India’s agriculture sector to private corporations.
The government says the laws will bring new investment after decades of stagnation. “We’ve always suspected the government’s intentions because the government has become a slave of the corporates,” Sukhwinder Singh Sabhra, a farmer, said. “They want to turn us into slaves as well.” The farmers rejected a government offer of talks on Saturday that came with the condition that protests be moved to a designated area.