Moldovan PM announces govt resignation

CHISINAU: Moldovan Prime Minister Natalia Gavrilita announced on Friday that her government was resigning, after a turbulent 18 months in power marked by economic turmoil and the aftershocks of Russia’s war on neighbouring Ukraine.
“I believe in the Moldovan people. I believe in Moldova,” she told a news briefing. “I believe that we will be able to make it through all the difficulties and challenges.”
The former Soviet republic country of 2.5 million has suffered from soaring inflation and was strained last year by an influx of Ukrainian refugees.
It also suffered power cuts following Russian air attacks on Ukrainian energy infrastructure and has struggled to break its dependence on Russian gas.
Protests erupted over rising prices, particularly for gas from Moscow, in what Chisinau has described as part of a Kremlin-sponsored campaign to destabilise the government.
Gavrilita assumed the post in August 2021 after her pro-European Party of Action and Solidarity secured a majority in parliament with a mandate to clean up corruption. –Agencies